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Must-Learn Instagram Algorithm in 2023

Instagram is one of the best platforms for marketing today. So, how do you crack the algorithm?

Instagram sees more than 2 billion active users each month. Since its release in October 2010, Instagram has been paramount among social media networks—making it the 4th most-used platform today.

However, much like any social media, Instagram has its own algorithms. These algorithms allow it to push more relevant and likable content to each user. So, how do you crack this algorithm? Here are five tips for it:

1: Posting Frequently: Reels and Images

Experts suggest that around 71% of all the content on Instagram is photos. Considering that Instagram allowed posting videos only in 2013, it helps us understand why images are the most prominent content type.

However, you need to post more than just images today to be relevant in the Instagram algorithm. So, what you need to do and post includes the following:

  • Stories
  • Reels
  • Going on Instagram live every now and then
  • Posting at least two-to-three times a week

This way, the algorithm defines you as an active account and urges your posts toward the top of each follower’s feed.

2: Hashtags: Relevancy and Usage

Instagram’s Explore feature has always been a favorite for many people. It allows you to see posts relevant to your tastes and the tags that you follow. In this section, you’ll find posts that use tags properly.

So, you can guess what you need to do, so you’re one of them. The answer is to use tags properly and frequently. But don’t go over the top and use 100+ irrelevant tags, as Instagram’s algorithm will flag you as spam.

3: Write Detailed Captions

Captions are another good way to hook your users in. A lot of users need context for images and videos, and finding nothing under the caption can be annoying. Here’s why:

  • Posts without captions are deemed unoriginal.
  • Posts that mention no details, such as original content creator, etc., are subject to getting reported.
  • Posts that do not define the idea behind the video might not generate interest or engagement, such as comments.

So, try writing detailed captions, as Instagram deems its original content.

4: Post Carousels/Slides

What’s better than posting images on Instagram? Posting images in slideshows and carousels. This way, Instagram will put your content ahead of others, especially in the Explore section. Because it indicates a few things, such as:

  • More than one image or video in the post;
  • More information than common posts;
  • More content—which is always something users prefer.

Thus, adding courses and slides to your content is a beneficial idea.

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